June 2013 Basketball Wiretap

Gasol Cleared To Use Elliptical Machine, Expected To Be Out Three More Weeks

Feb 28, 2013 12:18 PM

Pau Gasol has been cleared to work out on an elliptical machine as part of his rehabilitation from a torn plantar fascia in his right foot.

Gasol is expected to be sidelined for another three weeks.

The Lakers have gone 5-4 in Gasol’s absence.

Janis Carr/Orange County Register

Tags: Pau Gasol, Los Angeles Lakers, NBA, NBA Injury

Anthony Davis To Sit With Sprained Shoulder

Feb 27, 2013 1:47 PM

Anthony Davis did not make the New Orleans Hornets' trip to Oklahoma City and will not play against the Thunder on Wednesday because of a sprained left shoulder.

Davis suffered the injury in the third quarter of Tuesday's loss to the Brooklyn Nets.

Davis, who is averaging 12.5 points, 7.4 rebounds and 1.8 blocks, has missed a combined 13 games this season due to a stress fracture injury (11) and a concussion (two).

John Reid/The Times Picayune

Tags: Anthony Davis, New Orleans Pelicans, NBA, NBA Injury

Irving To Miss Another Game With Injured Knee

Feb 27, 2013 12:53 PM

Kyrie Irving will miss his second straight game due to a hyperextended/sore right knee.

The Cleveland Cavaliers play the Toronto Raptors on Wednesday.

Irving also sat out Tuesday's game, a win over the Bulls.

RealGM Staff Report

Tags: Kyrie Irving, Cleveland Cavaliers, NBA, NBA Injury

Rasheed Wallace To Undergo Foot Surgery, Likely Done For Season

Feb 27, 2013 12:59 PM

Rasheed Wallace will undergo surgery on his injured foot.

Wallace is likely out for the remainder of the season.

Wallace's left foot showed progression to a fractured right fifth metatarsal.

Frank Isola/New York Daily News

Tags: Rasheed Wallace, New York Knicks, NBA, NBA Injury

Irving To Sit With Hyperextended Right Knee

Feb 26, 2013 1:40 PM

Kyrie Irving will miss Tuesday's game for the Cleveland Cavaliers against the Bulls with a sore/hyperextended right knee.

Irving hasn't missed a game since December.

RealGM Staff Report

Tags: Kyrie Irving, Cleveland Cavaliers, NBA, NBA Injury

Taj Gibson Out Up To Two Weeks With MCL Sprain

Feb 26, 2013 11:23 AM

Taj Gibson suffered an MCL sprain in his left knee on Sunday and could miss up to two weeks for the Chicago Bulls.

Gibson suffered the injury in the Bulls' blowout loss to the Oklahoma City Thunder.

An MRI performed Monday confirmed the injury.

The Bulls are already dealing with a banged-up Joakim Noah, who has been hampered by plantar fasciitis, and do not have consistent front-court depth behind Gibson off the bench.

K.C. Johnson/Chicago Tribune

Tags: Taj Gibson, Chicago Bulls, NBA, NBA Injury

Westbrook: Rose 'Getting Better, Almost Close To Coming Back'

Feb 25, 2013 5:25 PM

Russell Westbrook works out with Derrick Rose in the offseason and believes the Chicago Bulls' guard has looked better and better as he rehabilitates his torn ACL.

"I see that he's getting better," Westbrook said Sunday. "He's almost close to coming back."

Rose was shown dunking in stride during ESPN's broadcast of the Oklahoma City Thunder's blowout win over the Bulls on Sunday.

K.C. Johnson/Chicago Tribune

Tags: Russell Westbrook, Derrick Rose, Chicago Bulls, NBA, NBA Injury

Budinger Cleared For On-Court Agility Drills

Feb 25, 2013 5:09 PM

Chase Budinger took a step forward in his recovery from a lateral meniscus tear in his left knee, being cleared for on-court running and agility drills, seemingly the last step before practicing with the Minnesota Timberwolves.

Budinger will be re-evaluated in two to three weeks, eyeing a return to game action in March.

Budinger, who suffered the injury just six games into the season and has not played since, would need a few practices before coming back.

Kent Youngblood/Star Tribune

Tags: Chase Budinger, Minnesota Timberwolves, NBA, NBA Injury

Granger Glad To Be Back, Still Not 100 Percent

Feb 24, 2013 11:19 PM

Danny Granger admitted sitting out with a knee injury was "kind of depressing." But he finally felt good returning to the Indiana Pacers on Saturday against the Detroit Pistons.

“It feels good to be back,” Granger said. “I missed all of this.”

Granger says his knee still is not 100 percent and he's uncertain when it will reach that point. For now, the key for Granger is to stay confident in his knee and not think about his movements and cuts off the knee.

“It’s such a process,” Granger said. “You go back three weeks when I started practicing, it would get sore, then the next week it was less sore and last week it was less sore. They say it’ll eventually go away. We have all the MRIs to back it up. It’s a matter of getting my knee acclimated to playing at a high speed.”

Mike Wells/Indianapolis Star

Tags: Danny Granger, Indiana Pacers, NBA, NBA Injury

Kevin Love Hopes For March Return

Feb 24, 2013 5:14 PM

Kevin Love is hoping to return in time to play in the final 15 to 20 games of the season for the Minnesota Timberwolves.

Love fractured the third metacarpal in his right hand on Jan. 3.

“It’s progressively getting stronger,” Love said. “With the weights and with everything I’m doing to improve range of motion. Hopefully I’ll shoot the ball better this time.”

Love is hoping to return at some point in March, but a definitive date has not been set.

Jerry Zgoda/Star Tribune

Tags: Minnesota Timberwolves, NBA, NBA Injury

Bynum Far From Playing, Possible Comeback Slipping Away

Brian Windhorst/ESPN

Deron Williams Received Third Set Of Cortisone Injections In Both Ankles

Fred Kerber/New York Post

Bynum Practices, Scrimmages With 76ers For First Time

John N. Mitchell/Philadelphia Inquirer

Andrew Bogut Out Indefinitely With Apparent Back Spasms

Carl Steward/Mercury News

Joe Johnson To Sit With Form Of Plantar Fasciitis

Roderick Boone/Newsday

Rose's Brother Criticizes Bulls' Inability To Improve Roster

Scott Powers/ESPN

Carlesimo: Williams' Ankles 'Not Good At All'

Mike Mazzeo/ESPN

Adelman Not Expecting Return Of Roy

Ray Richardson/Pioneer Press

Andrew Bynum Still Plans To 'Definitely' Play This Season

Justin Klugh/Philadelphia Inquirer

Derrick Rose Returns To 5-On-5 Scrimmages

Vaughn McClure/Chicago Tribune

Bogut Ready To Begin Playing Back-To-Backs

Ric Bucher/Comcast

Colangelo: Deron Williams Was Overweight At Olympics

Stefan Bondy/New York Daily News

Pierce Admits He's Been Playing With Pinched Nerve In His Neck

Chris Forsberg/ESPNBoston

Rondo Undergoes Successful ACL Surgery

Baxter Holmes/Boston Globe

Carmelo May Skip ASG With Arm Contusion

Ian Begley/ESPN

Rose Would Be Okay Missing Entire Season

Andrew Perna/RealGM

Rose Won't Return In Limited Role

K.C. Johnson/Chicago Tribune

Celtics Want To Re-Sign Leandro Barbosa Next Season

Chris Forsberg/ESPN

Mo Williams Undergoes Successful Procedure On Thumb

Bill Oram/The Salt Lake Tribune

Harden To Sit Wednesday With Injured Ankle, Expected To Play In ASG

Marc J. Spears/Yahoo! Sports